Anemometer is used to measure the wind speed.
In a certain code language ‘RISKY’ is written as ‘JSSZL’ and ‘TRIAL’ is written as ‘SUIMB’. How is ‘SPINE’ written in that code? ...
What is the code for “proposed”?
If 'THRASH' is coded as 'UGSZTG', how will 'HEAD' be coded?
In a certain code language ‘SMART’ is written as 201421921, then how ‘NOKIA’ be written in that code language?
What is the code for “care story‟ in the given code language?
If 11 + 6 * 8 = b, then find the value of b < 4 > 5
What can be the possible code for “Never together” in the given code language?
What is the code for ‘Other’?
If ‘Join’ is coded as ‘ta’ then what is the code for ‘live’?