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1st commercial hybrid of sorghum released in India in 1964 was CSH 1.
Insecticides that are absorbed by plants and affect insects feeding on treated plants belong to which mode of action category?
An important catalyst in the conception of the Codex Alimentarius Commission is:
What is the term for a soil structure that is characterized by horizontal layers or plates of soil particles?
What is the critical time period for the day light in long day plants?
Storage life of vegetables increased by the use of GA spray at harvesting time. What should be the dose of GA?
KRITAGYA -A National level Hackathon, organized by ICAR with NAHEP and Crop Science division is majorly focused on____.
What is the minimum population size required for observations in a Grow-out Test?
Which of the following variety of wheat is resistant to yellow rust and wheat blast?
How much subsidy is given to SC/ST, small & marginal, women & farmers of NE states to buy Kisan drones?
How much subsidy will be provided to women beneficiaries for 20 HP tractor under Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization (SMAM) scheme?