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Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in an air or moist environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium. The word "aeroponic" is derived from the Greek meanings of aer ("air") and ponos ("labour").
√2401 × (√2116 ÷ 23) × 21 ÷ 3 = ?
Find the difference of day had the highest number of books and that of lowest number of books sold?
8 × 1099.95 ÷ 20.03 + 187.95 = ? × 3.96
75.22 of 219.98% + 359.99 ÷ 18.18 = ?
(?)2 + 3.113 = 22.92 – 61.03
7.992 + (4.01 × 3.98) + ? = 224.03
47.87% of 749.76 + 35.11% of 399.76 = √? + 23.15 × 20.87
24.45% of 14.99% of 14999.78 + 159.80 = ?% of 1999.78
3.55% of 8120 – 66.66% of 540 = ? – 28% of 5500