The first time cultivation of crops started in around 7500 B.C. and first to be cultivated were wheat and barley.
Due to inclement weather, an airplane reduced its speed by 300km/h and reached the destination of 1200km late by 2 hours. Then the schedule duration of ...
A biker travels first half of his journey with a speed of 18 km/h and the other half with a speed of 'x' km/h. If the total distance traveled by him is ...
If Anil covers a certain journey at 75% of his usual speed, he reaches his destination 53 minutes late. The usual time (in minutes) taken by him to rea...
1322 metres long train crosses a man who is moving in the same direction with a certain speed, in 40 seconds. If the same train can cross a tree in 20 s...
Average speed of ‘A’ during a 20-hour journey is 30 km/h. If he covered the first 240 km of his journey at a speed of 20 km/h, then find the speed a...
A train 'B' speeding with 100 kmph crosses another train C, running in the same direction, in 2 mins. If the length of the train B and C be 150m and 250...
Ajay and Vishal left the place ‘X’ with different speeds which are in the ratio 5:3 respectively. Ajay left the place 36 seconds after Vishal. If af...
A Carriage driving in a fog passed a man who was walking at the rate of 9 km/hr in the same direction. He could see the carriage for 12 minutes and it w...
The Distance between two cities, Dehradun and Delhi is 220 km. Rakesh started from Dehradun at 9.30 am at a speed of 40 Km/hour and Suresh started from ...
Amit and Deepak are standing on point A and B respectively, which are 300km apart. Amit starts moving to and from between A and B at 25km/hr while Deepa...
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