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Sorghum is poor in lysine content.
According to the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act, 2002 Attachment means___________
No objection as to Jurisdiction shall be allowed by ___________________ except when it was taken before the court of first instance at the earliest poss...
Which statement best describes a temporary injunction?
How should a conciliator assist the parties in a dispute according to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act?
Which section of the Code on wages, 2019 deals with the prohibition of discrimination on ground of gender?
Who is responsible for establishing one or more Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Councils, and how is this done as per the provisions of MSMED A...
Who can be competent witness?
Under which Act is payment system regulation primarily governed in India?
As laid down under the Banking Regulation Act no banking company shall have in its Board of directors, ______________directors who are directors of comp...
According to Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Which of the following statements is not true according to the contract between the partners?