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Frederick Frost Blackman proposed the law of limiting factors in 1905 according to which, a chemical process depends on multiple factors and the rate of the process will be limited by the pace of the slowest factor or limiting factor.
Eugenol is an anti-microbial agent present in which of the following
Milk and milk products provide which of the following vitamins.
a) A
b) D
c) E
d) K the main milk protein & present in milk in ….form.
Ropiness in bread is caused due to
The spoilage of food is primarily determined by…, … &…
Which of the following statement is not true.
The characteristic red color of hemoglobin is due to
...How many times Cyclamates is sweeter than sucrose
Cellulose is a polymer made up of
What is the purpose of Humidity Absorbers?
a) Control of excess moisture
b) Reduction of water activity
c) ...