Fimbristylis miliacea is an annual sedge which grows in clumps of erect stems up to about half a meter in height surrounded by fans of narrow flat leaves.
How many persons are not facing south?
Four of the following five are likes a group find the one that does not likes that group?
Five friends Ajit, Chaman, Ram, Gaurav, and Pinku are sitting in a row facing north. Ajit is sitting at the left end while Pinku is sitting second from...
If the person who faces D likes White colour, then C likes which of the following colour?
How many persons are seated in a table (Including unknown persons)?
Eight persons J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circular table and faces towards the centre. J is sitting third to the right of P and secon...
What is the position of T with respect to the one who likes Strawberry?
Eight people D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting in a straight line. All of them are facing North. D sits fourth from one of the extreme ends of the l...
Who among the following person sits fifth to the left of J?
Who among the following sits at extreme end of the row?