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Gypsum can be used as a calcium source for peanut (groundnut) cultivation.
It shall be open to SEBI to inspect at all reasonable times books of accounts and other documents to be maintained by the Stock Exchanges for periods
Which regulatory body in India is responsible for regulating and supervising the capital markets, including stock exchanges, brokers, and other market i...
A person shall be deemed to be dead if he remained unheard for ………….. years
The Central Government may, in consultation with the _________________, prescribe the procedure and the manner of maintaining and furnishing information...
What is the maximum punishment that can be imposed in default of payment of fine?
Which of the following can be included as a property of the partnership firm?
Which chapter of the IPC delas with offences affecting human body?
What is the punishment in case of sedition?
Who has the power to impose restrictions on trade, commerce and intercourse between one state and another in public interest?
Which of the following is NOT a general exception under chapter 4 of Indian Penal Code?