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Insects in the family Jassidae, have a wedge-shaped body.
Which enzyme produced by nitrogen-fixing bacteria is responsible for converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia?
Thalamus of hypogynous ovary is
Epiricania melanoleuca, an ectoparasitoid is effective against
Salt content in brackish water farming is
Which systemic fungicide is used as seed treatment to control loose smut disease of wheat?
Eriosoma lanigerum, Woolly aphid, is an important pest in which of the following?
The IFOAM is the worldwide umbrella organization for the organic agriculture movement, which represents close to 800 affiliates in 117 countries. What d...
Which part of alimentary canal of poultry is known as muscular stomach?
According to Planning commission, Indian region is divided into how many agro climatic zones?
Which of the following soil horizon is also known as the 'Zone of illuviation'?