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What is the code for ‘ it embarks’ in the given code language?
In a certain code language, 'tim pac' means 'red colour', 'pit it tim' means 'red and black' and 'nac pit' means 'yellow black'. Which word in that lang...
In a certain code language, if 'QEV' is written as '37' and 'IYP' is written as '31', how will 'CNX' be written in the same code language?
If NORMAL is coded as MPQLBK and HOWARD is coded as GPVBQC, then what is the code for LEARNER?
Which of the following word is coded as “cfz”?
What does ‘kiw’ stand for?
In a certain code language, ‘BUTTER’ is coded as ‘CWWSCO’ and ‘THEORY’ is coded as ‘UJHNPV’. How will ‘LATENT’ be coded in that lang...
What could be the code for “thought anxiety received”?
In a certain code language, ‘EASTERN’ is written as ‘GZUSGQP’ and ‘CULTURE' is written as ‘ETNSWQG’. How will ‘CLASSES’ be written in ...
Which among the following represent code for 'songs hits jukebox'?