The present age of A is 5/3 times to that of his marriage age. Present age of his brother is 1/3rd of his present age. If A was married 36 years ago the...
My grandfather was 7 times older to me 14 years ago. He would be 3.5 times of my age after 7 years from now. 7 years ago, what was the ratio of my age t...
The ratio of the present ages of ‘A’ and ‘B’ is 5:6, respectively. Three years hence from now, the age of ‘B’ will be 21 years. If the avera...
Present average of age of A and B is (9x-15) years. Present average age of A, B and C is (6x+5) years. If present age of B is 20% less than the present ...
Present age of ‘A’ is 40% more than that of ‘B’. If 11 years hence from now, ‘B’ will be 5 years younger than ‘A’, then find the sum of ...
The average weight of 20 students in a class is 50 kg. If the weight of the teacher is included, the average weight increases by 1 kg. If the weight of ...
The average age of a man and his two children is 15 years and the average age of man's wife and the same children is 13 years. If the age of man is 31 y...
Eight years ago, the ratio of Raman's age to Chaman's age was 4:5. Twelve years from now, this ratio will change to 13:15. Calculate the current average...
The ratio of Anil’s age to Anila’s age is 6 : 5 and the sum of their ages is 66 years. What will be the ratio of their ages after 14 years?
Which of the following is a video format?