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The correct answer is D
√2401 × (√2116 ÷ 23) × 21 ÷ 3 = ?
Find the difference of day had the highest number of books and that of lowest number of books sold?
8 × 1099.95 ÷ 20.03 + 187.95 = ? × 3.96
75.22 of 219.98% + 359.99 ÷ 18.18 = ?
(?)2 + 3.113 = 22.92 – 61.03
7.992 + (4.01 × 3.98) + ? = 224.03
47.87% of 749.76 + 35.11% of 399.76 = √? + 23.15 × 20.87
24.45% of 14.99% of 14999.78 + 159.80 = ?% of 1999.78
3.55% of 8120 – 66.66% of 540 = ? – 28% of 5500