Mineralisation is conversion of organic form (unavailable) of an element into inorganic form (available).
Who is the son of U?
How is E related to B?
In a family, B is the father of K. B has only two children. K is the brother of R. R is the daughter of P. A is the grand-daughter of P. S is the father...
How is E related to D’s mother?
Which of the following statement is definitely true?
How is E related to U?
How is B related to L?
Who is the grandmother of S?
___ is the mother of E?
If 'A + B' means 'A is wife of B', 'A - B' means 'B is brother of A', 'A X B' means 'B is sister of A', 'A ÷ B' means 'A is father of B'. In the given ...