Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane for sugar season 2023-24 (October – September) at Rs.315/qt for a basic recovery rate of 10.25%.
The number of persons sits between R and S is the same as between O and _____, when counted from the right of both S and O?
How many persons sit to the right of X?
Who among the following person sits third to the left of the one who sits second to the right of the one who likes Vanilla?
Four males A, B, C and D are sitting in a row facing towards the North (not necessarily in the same order) and four females P, Q, R and S are sitting in...
Which of the following pairs are not immediate neighbours of each other?
Which of the following statements are true?
In a certain way, Hrithik is related to Alia, Priyanka is related to Shahrukh, in the same way Katrina is related to who among them following person? ...
Who sits second right of X?
Which of the following can be the correct conclusion drawn from the impression B + C @ D + E $ F % G?
Which of the following colour does B like?