Yellow spots of citrus, blue chaff of oats and whiptail of cauliflower, broccoli and brussels are some of the classical examples of Mo-deficiency.
_____________ won the men’s ICC Player of the Month award for December.
In which city was the G20 Think20 conference held during the India Presidency?
Which of the following is not in the most powerful woman from India in the Forbes list 2023?
According to the Henley Passport Index 2024, which of the following countries holds the title of having the world's most powerful passport, providing vi...
Which country recorded the highest number of disaster displacements in 2022 according to the Global Report on Internal Displacement 2023 (GRID-2023)?
What is the theme of the 13th National Seed Congress held in Uttar Pradesh?
Which of the following was the parent company of Paytm?
What events did India successfully conclude hosting related to the Antarctic Treaty in 2024?
__________ will become the first deputy managing director of the IMF, replacing Geoffrey Okamoto.
According to Reserve Bank data, the credit to medium industries in June grew by _______ and micro and small industries by 13 per cent (29.2 per cent a y...