Under PKVY, an assistance of Rs.50,000 per ha for a period of three years is provided to States including States of Tamil Nadu & Rajasthan for promotion of organic farming to cover different components like Training & Capacity Building, Data Management, PGS Certification, Value Addition, Marketing and Publicity. Out of this, assistance of Rs. 31,000 per ha for a period of three years is provided to farmers through DBT for on- farm /off –farm organic inputs. Whereas under MOVCDNER, an assistance of Rs. 46,575/ha for 3 years is provided for creation of FPO, support to farmers for organic inputs, quality seeds/ planting material and training, hand holding and certification. Out of this, assistance @ Rs. 32500/ ha for 3 years is provided to farmers for off -farm /on –farm organic inputs under the scheme including Rs. 15,000 as DBT to the farmers and Rs. 17,500 for the planting material to be given to the farmers by State Lead Agency (SLA) in kind.
Which dynasty did the Shishunaga dynasty follow in ruling Magadha?
Part IV of the Indian Constitution deals with Directive Principles of State Policy. This feature of Indian Constitution was influenced by a similar feat...
The India’s First Woman Governor of India is
Where was the Fourth Buddhist Council convened?
Which of the following statements given below about the post-Mauryan period is correct?
The Conscience Keeper of Mahatma Gandhi was
The largest Harappan archaeological site in India is-
W.C. Bonnerjea was the president of the first session of congress. Then who was the president of the second session of the congress held at Kolkata.
Which place of Indus civilization is located in India?
What is the name given to the land given as a gift to the temples of Chola Dynasty?