International Millets and Other Ancient Grains Research Initiative (MAHARISHI): This initiative aims to promote research and development related to millets and ancient grains, recognizing their importance in nutrition and sustainable agriculture.
Who is the newly elected President of Cyprus with 51.9% votes ?
__________ is the largest freshwater lake in Haryana.
Which article emphasizes the provision of opportunities for education and just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief?
_______ state has won the Ayushmann Utkrishta Award for the year 2022 for adding various health care facilities to their health facility register?
When was the resolution to divide U.P. into four States was passed by the U.P. Legislative Assembly?
Abode of Unicorns, a memorial for rhinos using burnt ashes of them took six months to complete it has been constructed in the state?
Agricultural Produce (grading and marketing) Act was passed in which of the following year?
Which of the following is not correctly matched?
What date is recognized as the United Nations' World Drowning Prevention Day globally?
Which country is hosting the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting?