NABARD, which stands for National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, is an apex development bank in India. It was established on July 12, 1982, by an act of Parliament, with the aim of promoting rural development and agriculture in the country.
How many stereoisomers does a ketopentose have?
A sound seed certification programme requires:
Meat is a good source of protein and essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Pink color of cured meat is due to
The total amount received from the product sales is:
Which soil requires frequent irrigation?
What is the budget allocated for the “PM Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme” over five years?
Which of following is appropriate for a clay soil:
Karnal Bunt of wheat, a disease that causes a characteristic fishy odor in affected grains, is caused by which of the following pathogens?
A free living non ‐ symbiotic anaerobic bacterium is:
The rotation intensity of maize --- wheat + gram --- moong is: