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An additional 50 days of wage employment are provided over and above 100 days in the notified drought affected areas or natural calamity areas in the country on recommendation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
Which ICDS deals with Accounting Policies?
Where a company is formed and registered under this Act for a future project or to hold an asset or intellectual property and has no significant accoun...
From 1st April 2010, non-furnishing of PAN to the deductors results in TDS at much higher rate of ________ or even more.
Which of the following formulae is correct for calculation of Cost of Goods Sold?
Audit of accounts by the staff of the business is known as:
What duties are taxes on intra-State supplies?
There can be variety of budget. Name the budget which relates to a particular function of the business.
According to The Companies Act 2013, which of the following statement is incorrect with regards to OPC (One Person Company)?
According to Ind AS 16 - Property, Plant and Equipment, what is NOT considered when determining the cost of self-constructed assets?
GeM is characterized by which of these three core elements?