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Clayey soil contains small sized particles, which have higher water retention while, sandy contains large particles leading to low water retention capacity in case of sandy soils.
The average of 8 consecutive odd numbers is 20. If the odd numbers immediately before and after this sequence of 8 odd numbers ar...
The average age of A and B is 22 years. If A is to be replaced by C, the average would be 21 years. The average age of C and A is 23 years. Find the age...
The average age of 25 children and their teacher's age are 20 years. If the teacher's age is excluded, the average reduces by 1. What is the teacher's age?
The average age of a group of persons going for tour to Shimla is 22 years. 25 new persons with an average age of 10 years join the group and their aver...
The average weight of 4 persons is 66 kg. The heaviest person’s weight is 32 kg more than the lightest person’s weight. If the average weight of the...
The average weight of 7 boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U and V is 72kg. Another box A is added to group and the average now becomes 70kg. If another box C whose ...
Mixture X comprises juice and water in a 5:4 ratio, and mixture Y consists of juice and water in a 7:9 ratio. When mixture X is combined with mixture Y,...
The average score in Mathematics of 90 students of section A and B of class IX was 63. The number of students in A were 10 more than those in B. The ave...
In a Math exam, the average score of 50 students is 68. The ratio of boys to girls in the class is 3:2. If the average score of the boys is 70, what is ...
The average mark obtained by Khushi in four papers was 51, and in the fifth paper, she obtained 56 marks. Find his new average in all five papers.