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Mutations are sometimes useful as the altered protein structure and function imparts beneficial phenotype; for example, the same mutation in β-globin gene impart malaria resistance; they are rarely useful.
Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Professors, Men and Women?
How many people belong to exactly two group?
How many people visited both Kashmir and Shimla but not Manali?
Which of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship between Fan, Laptop and Gadget.
Which one of the areas marked (I - VII) represents the doctors who plays football but do not play Cricketer?
Which of the following figures correctly represents the relationship among the three sets for:
Modem, Mobile, Headphones
Which of the following diagrams best depicts the relationship between Apple, Turmeric, and Vegetable.
Hinduism, Islamic , Religion
Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the classes given below: Males, Brothers, and Doctors.
Banker , Engineer, Dancer