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All grasshoppers lay their eggs in soil, in the form of tight clustered pods. Relatively dry soils, undisturbed by tillage or irrigations, are preferred. Egg laying may be concentrated at certain sites with favourable soil texture, slope, and orientation, producing ‘egg beds.’
Is P the mother of R?
I. O is the father of Q and R. N has only one brother O. P is sister-in-law of N. N is unmarried. M is mother of N. M has o...
In a class, six students named P, Q, R, S, T and U obtain different marks out of total 100 marks. The ratio between marks of T and S is 2: 3 respective...
Is G grandfather of U?
I. E is mother of U and wife of B, who is only son of G.
II. U is only daughter of E, who is wife of B, wh...
How is E related to I?
I. B is mother of C, who is sister of D. E is son of D.
II. G is mother of F, who is brother of E. H is granddaught...
Among six people P, Q, R, S, T and U, each having a different marks which is 12,17,23,25,26 and 29 (marks are arranged in decreasing order from left to...
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W sit in a straight row facing north direction. No two persons with names starting with consecutive alphabets are ...
Seven boxes viz. J, K, L, M, N, O and P are kept one above other. How many boxes are kept below box P?
I. Box L is kept third from top. Box M a...
Five friends Harsha, Geeta, Naman, Suraj and Anuj are seated around a circular table facing the centre. Who sits to the immediate right of Suraj?
Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting around a circular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Who sits third to the left...
Eight person namely – E, F, G, H, I, J, K and L are sitting in a circular table facing centre not necessary in same order. Who sits immediate left of...