Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly from a source; they form when primary pollutants react with other substances. Examples include photochemical smog and ground-level ozone.
If a party who has obtained an order to amend the pleadings under Civil Procedure Code, if not amended after, expiration of how many days shall not be ...
According to the Insurance Act when Administrator for management of insurance business may be appointed by the Authority?
As per Reg 6 of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, what is the minimum period of time for which the company should maintain th...
Section 25 of The Limitation Act, 1963 deals with_______?
A witness, who is unable to speak, gives his evidence in writing or by signs in the open court; evidence so given shall be deemed to be:
As per SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations 2018, which of the following is true
As provided under the Indian Constitution, Separation of Judiciary from Executive is a _________.
The judgment of the Supreme Court in ‘Indian Steel and Wire Products v. State of ‘Madras, AIR 1968 SC 478, is a decision on:
Education is guaranteed as a fundamental right for the age group of ?
As per section 21 of the Airports Authority of India Act ho has the authority to make contracts on behalf of the Authority?