Halteres are an extreme modification in true flies (Diptera), where hind wings are reduced to nubs used for balance and direction during flight.
Palash invest twice the sum invested by Vicky and withdraws half of the sum after 2 months and again withdraws half of the remaining sum after 6 months....
The contributions made by A and B are in the ratio of 2:5. If 10% of total profit is donated and A gets 8100 as his share of profit, what is the total p...
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ started a business by investing Rs. 5000, Rs. 6000 and Rs. 4000, respectively. After 4 months, ‘B’ left and ‘A’ and...
A, B, and C started a business with initial investments of Rs. 1,500, Rs. 2,400, and Rs. 4,500, respectively. After 8 months, A and B increased their in...
'A' and 'S' ventured into a business with initial investments of Rs. "w + 32" and Rs.'w', respectively. After 'x' months, 'V' joined them with an initia...
P and Q together started a business with initial investment in the ratio of 1:5, respectively. The time-period of investment for P and Q is in the ratio...
A, B and C invested in partnership. A invest Rs.6000 for 4 months, B invests Rs.4000 for 3 months and C invests Rs.12000 for 2 months. C is working part...
M and N started a business by investing Rs.4000 and Rs.5000 respectively. After 7 months, M and N increased their investments by 30% and Rs.2400 respect...
If the ratio of time periods of investment of A and B is 2:5, profit at the end of the year is Rs.140000 and A’s share in it is Rs.40000, then what is...
A and B entered into a business investing Rs. (x + 77) and Rs. (x – 55) respectively. After one year they invested Rs. 40 more and Rs. 159 more respec...