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A technological breakthrough reducing production time generally enhances efficiency, encouraging producers to supply more of the product at any given price, thereby increasing overall supply.
When a partner exercises his authority in an emergency and protects the firm from loss then such act _____.
As per section 9 of the Limitation Act what happens to the limitation period once it has started running?
Right to Education is a ________ as introduced by _________ Committee Recommendations.
According to the IBC if the operational creditor does not receive payment from the corporate debtor or notice of the dispute, the operational creditor m...
In an LLP agency-
In computing the period of limitation for filing a suit the day from which the period of limitation is reckoned ______.
After retirement, a Judge of a High Court can undertake practice in _________-
The term company is defined under which sec of the Act?
A lunatic is always competent to testify except when:
The Central Government may extend the powers and jurisdiction of members of the Delhi Special Police Establishment to_____________________