Six embryogeny types have been defined based on the sequence of divisions of the basal and terminal cells and which cell derivatives contribute to the mature embryo: 1.Asterad Type: •Terminal cell divides longitudinally. •Both basal and terminal cell derivatives contribute to mature embryo. 2.Caryophyllid Type: •Terminal cell divides transversely. •Only terminal cell derivatives contribute to mature embryo. 3.Chenopodiad Type: •Terminal cell divides transversely. •Both basal and terminal cell derivatives contribute to mature embryo. 4.Crucifer or Onagrad Type: •Terminal cell divides longitudinally. •Only terminal cell derivatives contribute to mature embryo. 5.Solanad Type: •Terminal cell divides transversely. •Basal cell derivatives form a suspensor but do not contribute to mature embryo development. 6.Piperad Type: •Zygote divides longitudinally. •Does not form basal and terminal cells.
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