Indigo is a natural dye extracted from the leaves of some plants of the Indigofera genus, in particular Indigofera tinctoria. It belongs to Fabaceae family.
Train M, ‘x’ metres long crosses (x – 32) metres long platform in 20 seconds while train N having the length (x + 32) metres crosses the same plat...
Train A running with a sped of 90 km/h crosses a vertical pole in 12 seconds. Speed of train A is 5 m/s less than speed of train B, and length of train ...
Train A running at a speed of 42 km/hr crosses train B in 36 seconds. Find the speed of train B (in km/hr), if the sum of the length of train A and B is...
Train P starts from Lucknow to Dehradun at 11:55 am with an average speed of 30 m/s. Train Q starts from Dehradunto Lucknowat 1:35 pm with an average sp...
Ratio of the lengths of two trains ‘X’ and ‘Y’ is 3:4 respectively and the ratio of time taken by them to cross a pole is 2:3 respectively. If s...
A train 420 metre long takes 21 sec to cross a man running at a speed of 3 km/hr in the direction same to that of train. What is the speed of the train?
Time is taken by two trains running in opposite directions to cross a man standing on the platform in 31 seconds and 19 seconds respectively. It took 24...
Train A running at speed of 54 km/hr crosses a platform having twice the length of train in 12 sec. Train B whose length is 240m crosses same platform i...
Two trains 160 metres and 140 metres in length are running towards each other on parallel tracks, one at the rate 52 km/hr and another at 38 km/hr. In h...
A train 480 metre long takes 32 sec to cross a man running at a speed of 6 km/hr in the direction same to that of train. What is the speed of the train?