A piezometer is a device used to measure the level of groundwater. It works by measuring the pressure of the water in a well.
Under the Prevention of Money -Laundering Act, 2002 any record which has been seized or frozen and the Investigating Officer or any other officer author...
A cuts down a tree on Z's ground, with the intention of dishonestly taking the tree out of Z's possession without Z's consent. Here, as soon as A has se...
What is the punishment for the person in charge of the of the commercial organization and who is found to be guilty of an offence, under the Prevention ...
According to section 6 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963, if any person is disposed without his consent of immovable property otherwise then in due cour...
When did European Union (EU) join the Codex Alimentarius?
How can a subscriber authenticate an electronic record under section 3 of the Information technology Act, 2000?
Neha agrees to sell to Vidhika "hundred tons of oil". There is nothing whatever to show what kind of oil was intended. The agreement is_______________
According to Indian Partnership Act, 1932 Which of the following best describes a partnership?
Protection of communications during marriage extends to:
When court is to form an opinion regarding electronic signature then opinion of certifying officer who issued electronic signature is?