Monopolistic competition involves high product differentiation due to varied products in the market.
Which buffalo breed is characterized by a jet-black colored body coat and short tightly curled horns, as well as being the best in milk production with ...
Milk fever is a type of disease-
The time interval between date of drying off the cow to the date of next calving is termed as
The process of milking in which pressing the thumb against the teats while the teats are in between thumb and fingers.
The system of arrangement in which the distribution of feed and fodder to the animals can be done simultaneously on the both sides of feed mangers.
Rectal pouch is found in insect of order
A selective form of breeding in which the sire and dam are related which some refer to as a mild form of inbreeding is called:
In which type of epithelial tissue the absorption and secretion occur, as in the inner lining of the intestine?
Strip Cup test is used for identifying which disease ?
Castration is the removal of testicles which produce male germ cells. ……………………method of castration is bloodless in which the testicles a...