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More acidic - Over time, rainfall can lower the pH of soil, making it more acidic. This is due to various organic and inorganic acids present in rainfall.
At a given value of FC, the water content is highest in _____
Which of the following is an example of day – neutral plant?
Possession by two or more species of a similar or identical character state that has not been derived by both species from their common ancestor is called
Which of following group of plant nutrients is as structural elements?
Foliar diagnosis of nutrient status developed for sugarcane crop is known by the name
Maximum CEC (cation exchange capacity) is of
Which one of the following is the number of AERs in India as per NBSS & LUP?
The scientific name of the Italian honey bee is
One hectare Centimetre (1 ha cm) of water equals to
Which mango hybrid variety is characterized by early maturity, dwarf size, and attractive color, suited for the Chotanagpur Region in India?