Commission agents play a major role in the functioning of Rythu bazaars in India by providing services to both farmers and buyers. Higher market prices for rice can indeed incentivize farmers to bring more paddy to the market.
A, a police officer, who has the right to arrest a person committing a cognizable offence, arrests B, mistakenly thinking that he has committed murder, ...
A person, who desires to obtain any information under the RTI Act, shall make a request _________________ of the area in which the application is being...
Which section of SEBI Act, 1992 deals with defaults by Stock Brokers
XYZ Co, is having 15% share capital held by X Company and 50% held by Central Government and 10% held by State Government and 25% held by other people t...
Under the Information technology Act, 2000, ____________ means a person who has been granted a license to issue an electronic signature certificate
Which of the following correctly describes the composition of a committee appointed by the appropriate Government under section 8 of the Code on Wages?
Under the provision of section 105-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, 'Identifying includes:-
An answer which criminates the victim as per S. 132, shall:
Under the Indian Contract Act, which of the following statements correctly describes when the consideration or object of an agreement is considered unla...
Article 338 provides that there shall be a National Commission for?