The sound made when tapping a watermelon can indicate its ripeness; a ripe watermelon usually has a hollow sound when tapped.
The establishment of the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority was based on the recommendations of____________
The Prospectus must be issued to the public within ______________ days after the date onwhich a copy thereof is delivered to the Registrar
A contract with a minor is _________
Imprisonment for life is reckoned as equivalent to
Which body among the following has the power to appoint an expert for assistance?
Industrial employment standing orders act is applicable in every industrial establishment where ____ workmen are employed
"According to Companies Act till" when shall the President and every other Member of the Tribunal shall hold office from the date on which he enters upo...
What, as per Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is the maximum imprisonment term for the purpose of non-payment of any gratuity payable under this act ?
What is the source of International Commercial Arbitration in India?
Who among the following has the power to declare what language shall be deemed to be commonly used in each district?