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A foot sprayer is an example of high volume sprayer. High volume sprayer provides more than 400 litres /ha, Low volume sprayer (5 to 400 litres/hectare) Ultra low volume sprayer (ULV) spray (less than 5 litres/hectare). The foot sprayer is one of the ideal and versatile sprayers used for multipurpose spraying jobs. The sprayer consists of a pump operated by the foot lever, suction hose with strainer, delivery hose, spray lance fitted with shut off pistol valve, gooseneck bend and adjustable nozzles.
Select the option to complete the sentence most logically and appropriately.
the sky clouded over and__________.
It’s easy to be ………… , but difficult to ………………
His wife smelt something ________________ and went to investigate, only to find him in the act of now setting the room on fire.
_______ you leave now, you will be late.
We are not only afraid of being in the dark; we are also __________ of being kept in the dark.
1. The general on horseback at the entrance to the dam raised his hand and opened his mouth to ________ Dolokhov.
2. Many technological problems ...
Complete the following collocation.
I was running late so I only had time for a _______ shower.
Aaron Ralston, a 27-year-old mountain sports fanatic from Colorado in the United States, found himself in dire straits* alone in a canyon* in the deser...
These latest scandals will provide _____________ fuel for his political opponents.
I cannot recall any other ____________ in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.