A foot sprayer is an example of high volume sprayer. High volume sprayer provides more than 400 litres /ha, Low volume sprayer (5 to 400 litres/hectare) Ultra low volume sprayer (ULV) spray (less than 5 litres/hectare). The foot sprayer is one of the ideal and versatile sprayers used for multipurpose spraying jobs. The sprayer consists of a pump operated by the foot lever, suction hose with strainer, delivery hose, spray lance fitted with shut off pistol valve, gooseneck bend and adjustable nozzles.
Read the directions carefully and answer the following questions.
In a family of six members, B has two children, and he is the son of A, who ...
How is P related to T?
How is G related to H?
How is M related to P?
If G is the son of H, H and I are sisters, K, is the mother of I, J is the son of K, then which of the following statements is correct?
Pointing to a photograph of Pankaj, Tarun said. "The mother of his sister is the wife of my wife's father". How is Tarun related to Pankaj?
How is L related to S?
H is the son-in-law of G and is the brother-in-law of M who is the brother of K. K is the daughter of G. How is M related to G?
If Swati says, “Jyoti’s father Rajiv is the only son of my father-in-law Arvind”, then how is Asha, who is the sister of Jyoti, related to Arvind?...
E is the only child of F and R is granddaughter of G, who is husband of F. I is father of U and son-in-law of F. How is E related to U?