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The process of drying is crucial for maintaining the viability (ability to germinate) and vigour (vitality and strength) of seeds. Proper drying helps in preventing the growth of fungi and bacteria, as well as the degradation of essential biochemical compounds within the seeds. While drying may also impact the protein, oil, and chemical composition to some extent, the primary focus is often on preserving the seed's ability to germinate and ensuring its overall health.
Six friends GX, HX, IX, JX, KX, and LX are watching a football match sitting in a row facing North. GX and IX are at the extreme ends. KX is the neighbo...
Three statements are given, followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at varianc...
If the code for RESPONSE is written as FFMOPQRR, then ' APPROACH' is written as?
Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the relationship between the following classes.
Lethargy, Anxiety, Power
Select the related number from the given alternatives.
54: 200 :: 43: ?
If N = 14 and URN = 53, then CUSTOMS =
The second number in the given number pairs is obtained by performing certain mathematical operation(s) on the first number. The same operation(s) is/ar...
Eight bungalows P1, Q2, R3, S4, T5, U6, V7, and W8 are in two rows with four bungalows in each row. But not necessarily in the same order.
R3 is ...
If A denotes ‘+’, B denotes ‘×’, C denotes ‘−’, and D denotes ‘÷’, then what will come in place of ‘?’ in the following equation...