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Gibberellin plays a critical role during seed germination by stimulating the synthesis of enzymes that break down the stored food (starches, fats, and proteins) in the seed, making it available for the developing plant.
"A trader sells an item at a 10% profit. If the cost price were reduced by 10% and the selling price lowered by Rs 4, the profit ...
An article is sold at a profit of 40%. If the purchasing price triples and the selling price decreases by 20%, what will be the percentage of profit or ...
Cost price of a bag is Rs.980. The shopkeeper marked it 80% above the cost price and sold it after giving a discount of 25%. If the shopkeeper had sold ...
The ratio of cost price and selling price of a shirt is 7:8 respectively. The shirt was marked up by 25% above its cost price, and sold after giving Rs....
Rohan bought a motor-cycle at a discount of 13(1/3) % on MRP. He earned half the amount of his CP by renting it for 400 days. After that he resells it ...
Cost price of an article is X. The article is marked up by Y% and sold while offering a discount of 25%. The profit earned is (Y + 20). When the same ar...
The percentage profit earned when an article is sold for Rs. 420 is four times the percentage profit earned when the same article is sold for Rs. 330. ...
The ratio of the cost price to the marked price of an article is 2:5 and the ratio of the profit percentage to the discount percentage is 5:3. Find the...
The cost price of two dozen bananas is Rs. 48 after selling 9 bananas at the rate of Rs. 18 per dozen, the shopkeeper reduced to rate of Rs. 12 per doze...
A shopkeeper marked his goods 60% above cost price and gave a discount of 25%. Find profit percentage of the shopkeeper.