National Institutes of Nutrition (NIN) to Government of India has recommended 180 eggs and 9 kg poultry meat consumption per capita per annum.
attributes may contain more than one values.
The SI unit for measuring time is:
What is the purpose of SQL (Structured Query Language) in database management?
In ______, the difference between the height of the left sub tree and height of the right tree, for each node, is almost one
Which data visualization technique is best suited for displaying hierarchical data with a tree-like structure?
What is a "smart contract" in the context of blockchain?
Which command is used to rename a file in a Unix/Linux system?
In a pipelined CPU design, what is the purpose of the instruction pipeline?
What is the goal of instruction pipelining in a CPU?
Microinstructions are stored in control memory groups, with each group specify a