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Insects are part of the phylum Arthropoda, which includes animals with segmented bodies, jointed appendages, and exoskeletons. This phylum also includes other classes like arachnids (spiders) and crustaceans (crabs).
World Fisheries day is observed on _____
Which tissue transporting carbohydrates from the leaves as a food supply for the production of energy in the cortex?
Epigeal germination occurs in which crop?
Dendrobium orchid belongs to the family
Milk fat in ice cream should not be less then:
Stroma and grana membranes are present in
Seed potato dormancy is broken by:
Separation of calf and making independent of its mother for food is known as ___
Bacteria capable of living symbiotically with higher plants, usually in nodules on the root of legumes, from which they receive their energy and are cap...
Mallika, a variety of mango is the cross between