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Dryland farming refers to crop cultivation dependent on natural rainfall, typically in areas receiving moderate to high rainfall (750–1150 mm).
A train travelling with a speed of 54 km/h can cross a pole in 6 seconds. Find the time taken by the train to cross a 210 metres long platform if the sp...
How many seconds will a train 68 m in length, travelling at the rate of 40 km an hour, take to pass another train 92 m long, proceeding in the same dire...
1440 metres long train crosses a man who is moving in the same direction with a certain speed in 32 seconds. If the same train can cross a pole in 24 se...
A train crosses a stationary tree in 13 seconds and a 150-meter-long bridge in 18 seconds. If a dog is walking in the same direct...
A 140 m long train crosses another 260 m long train running in the opposite direction in 15 seconds. If the shorter train crosses a pole in 14 seconds, ...
A train travelling with a speed of 108 km/h can cross a pole in 9 seconds. Find the time taken by the train to cross a 330 metres long platform if the s...
750 metres long train crosses a man who is moving in the same direction with a certain speed, in 50 seconds. If the same train can cross a tree in 20 se...
A train can cross a pole in 36 seconds. While if the train increased its speed by 50% then time taken by it to cross 324 metres long platform is 42 seco...
A train can cross a pole, a bridge of 510 meter long and platform of 480 meter long in 15 seconds, _____ seconds and 31 seconds, respectively.
A train 200 metre long takes 30 sec to cross a man running at a speed of 4 km/hr in the direction opposite to that of train. What is the speed of the tr...