Crinoids, also known as sea lilies or feather stars, have pinnules on their arms for filter feeding.
The cost price of article A and B is Rs. ‘X’ and Rs. (X + 550), respectively. Article A is sold at 20% profit while article B is sold at 10%...
When a shopkeeper sells 6 articles for Rs 30, he earns a profit of 25%. What will be his gain or loss percent if he sells 14 articles at Rs 61.60?
'P' sold an item to 'Q' at 12.5% profit, 'Q' sold it to 'R' at 33(1/3)% loss. If 'R' paid Rs. 1,800, then find the price at which 'P' bought the item.
A shopkeeper sold an article at profit of 10%. Had he bought it at 10% less and sold it for Rs. 3 more, then he would have earned a profit of 25%. Find ...
‘A’ invested Rs. 6600 for ‘x’ months while ‘B’ invested Rs. 1100 less amount than ‘A’ for (x + 3) months...
P purchased a book from registered store and gets 20% discount while Q purchased the same book from a roadside stall and got 24% discount. If Q paid Rs....
If 7% of S.P. is equal to 8% of C.P. and if 9% of S.P. is Rs. 2 more than 10% of C.P, then find C.P. and S.P.
Nikhil purchased a house for Rs. 20,00,000/- and gave it on rent immediately at the rate of Rs. 15,000/- per month. After five months, he sold the house...
The price of an article marked at 30% above cost price is sold at a profit of 25%. If it were to be sold at a discount of 25%, ind the percentage decrea...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started a business by investing certain sum in the ratio 13:5, respectively for 6 years. If 10% of the total profit is donated in an...