Raptorial legs, seen in insects like the praying mantis, possess spiny femurs and tibiae that interlock to create a gripping or predatorial mechanism.
Sequence the principal stages of biological nitrogen fixation in their correct order of occurence-
(A). Formation of infection thread
According to first advance estimates of Horticultural production 2023, which state/UT is leading in apple production?
Jaya, a high yielding variety developed in India which outyield both its parent was a cross between
Global Warming Potential of Nitrous Oxide (N₂O) is ____ for 100 year timescale.
The range of usefulness of tensiometers is between
Plant origin insecticides are:
A. Nicotine
B. Arsenicals
C. Pyrethrum
D. Phosphamidon
E. Rotinone
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Marginal product is
Quiescent centre is found in plants at
The primary goals of the insect respiratory system are to deliver oxygen from the air to the tissues and to transport carbon dioxide from the tissues to...
Which year witnessed the launch of the liquid 'Nano Urea' by the Indian Farmers' Fertiliser Cooperative (IFFCO)?