In  the  pedigree  method,  individual  plants  are  selected  from  …………….. and subsequent generations, and their progenies are tested.
Pedigree  Method  In  the  pedigree  method, individual  plants  are  selected  from  F2  and subsequent generations, and their progenies are tested. During the entire operation a record of all parent off spring relationships is kept. This is known as pedigree record. Individual plant selection is continued till the progenies show no segregation.
17.5% of 400 – 24% of 150 = ?
3.3 Times 2/27 of 40% of 364=?
2/5 of 3/4 of 7/9 of 14400 = ?
?2 + 114 - 48 ÷ 2 × 5 = 163
(3984 ÷ 24) x (5862 ÷ 40) = ?
2916 ÷ 54 = ? + 27
[(4√ (7) +√ (7))× (7√ (7) + 6√ (7))] - 87 = ?
...95% of 830 - ? % of 2770 = 650
125 ÷ 5 + 14 × 4 = ? + 72 ÷ 4 – 35