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Explanation: Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) is a variation in the length of restriction enzyme-digested DNA fragments between individuals of a species, caused by differences in DNA sequences that modify restriction sites.
How is M related to J?
There is six members Y, P, H, W, R and G, in a family of three generation. No single person is a parent in the family. Y is husband of W. P is the only ...
In equation ‘P – Q % R & S + T’, how is P related to T?
How is Y’s brother related to mother-in-law of V?
How many male members are there in the family?
If K $ J @ L + N * O & M is true then how is M related to L?
How is R related to Q?
How is G related to E?
How is V related to R?
How is F related to D?