chisel plough is used to break hard pan in soil upto 50 cm.
The second number in the given number pairs is obtained by performing certain mathematical operation(s) on the first number. The same operation(s) are f...
Select the figure from the options that can replace the question mark (?) and complete the pattern.
Six members of a family X, Y, Z, U, V and W are sitting at a circular table facing each other. Z sits immediate left of W, and Y sits second to the left...
Select the figure that will come next in the following figure-series.
Which of the following letter-clusters will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
D, E, L, M, R, S, Y and Z are sitting around a square table facing the centre of the table. Four of them are sitting at each of the corners, while the o...
In a certain code language, 'RELATIONS is written as 'TSRONLIEA', and 'NUMBER' is written as 'URNMEB'.
How will 'SPECULATION' be written in that language?
All nodes are joints.
Some joints are bones.
All bones are cartilages.
I. No node is a b...
Which figure will replace the question mark (?) in the following figures series?
Find the missing term in the following series.
HS10, KP4, NM0, ____