This technique involves drying a soil sample in an oven and calculating the percentage of moisture by weight.
In an examination, two students participated, where one student scored 15 marks higher than the other. If the higher-scoring student's marks constitute ...
How many integers between 100 and 750 are divisible by both 18 and 24?
In a particular examination, Cheenu achieved 48% of the total marks and fell short by 72 marks to pass. On the other hand, Meenu obtained 68% of the tot...
If ‘+’ means ‘-‘, ‘×’ means ‘÷’ ‘÷’ means ‘+’ and ‘-‘ means ‘×’, then which of the following will be the value of th...
Find the third proportion of 30 and 15.
What is the smallest four-digit number that can be evenly divided by 20, 24, and 36?
Divide 45 into 4 parts such that if the first is increased by 2, the second is decrease by 2, the third is multiplied by 2 and the fourth divided by 2, ...
The remainder when a number 'N' is divided by 4 is 3. What will be the remainder when 'N + 9' is divided by 4?
The product of two positive numbers is 432. If one number is three times the other, find the difference between the two numbers.