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The census may be an independent (A) exercise, but one that needs adequate (B) thought and preparation, if its ultimate goal is not for political or...
Because a marked dip in salt production (A)/in Tamil Nadu and others States, the Centre convened (B)/a meeting of manufacturers recent (C)/and asked th...
We will have to maintained (A) and see the making (B) of the project while implementation (C) sure that the privacy of an individual is wait (D)...
Conveniently, there were other people around, and I was rescued in the nick of time .
...Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
...S1: In neighbouring Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal has fallen on bad times.
S6: It is still a source water-albeit unpotable for the thirsty Kodai.
She’s been late for work three times this week, which is sailing close to the wind, I think.
Hitler's first DAP speech was held in the Hofbräukeller in 16 October 1919.
Election was an ‘opinion minus democracy’ in which the innocent and helpless (people were pitted among) government’s muscle power Stat...