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P: Biographies of great men can also help us in learning good manners.
Q: Courtesy and politeness is the key to good manners.
R: No doubt ...
In the following question, a paragraph is given from which five words have been edited out. These words are represented by alphabets, are given below t...
The question below consists of a set of labeled sentences. Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of the sentences to form a cohe...
Five statements are given below labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Among these, four statements are in a logical order and form a coherent paragraph/passage. F...
1) Come December and I go back to Turkey, albeit, in my thoughts.
2) The memories of visiting Konya come flooding around this time of the year.
1. Animators across the world have been working against the odds and the same holds true for India.
2. They are underpaid, their work relegate...
P. Farmers could no longer pay their loans and some banks were closed down. Q. Prices dropped due to increased supply, which was followed by a drought. ...
The Nobel Prize for physics this year is for the discovery of the gravitational waves released by violent events in the universe such as the mergers o...
P: The political awakening cannot be an isolated phenomenon; it requires some changes in social structure so that woman can enjoy as important a place a...
P: Superstitions exist throughout the world despite scientific advances. Q: One cannot heed anybody’s sneezes if one has to be punctual on duty or...