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As per AS – 2, the inventories are to valued at cost or NRV, whichever is lower. Here, cost = 18 and NRV = 24-3=21. So, lower among the two is cost, i.e. 18*500 units.
Law which is demonstrated by a 3:1 phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation of a monohybrid cross?
In Pure lines election a large number of plants are selected from a ………………… and harvested individually
What is the genetic term used to describe mating between individuals related by descent or ancestry?
A method of asexual propagation in which a stem is made to produce roots while still attached to the parent plant is called
Almost all gymnosperms are generally ……………………. In nature
SSRs are randomly repeated mono, di, tri, tetra, penta, and hexa nucleotide motifs. SSRs is another term for ………………..
...The hybrid progeny of single cross and an inbred lines is called
What term is used to describe a new plant produced through vegetative reproduction?
"Black Spot" disease in roses is caused by which pathogen?
What term is used to describe the phenomenon when a gene influences two or more characters that are not related?