Solution Internal auditor is removed and appointed by the management. An internal auditor can be a chartered accountant, a cost accountant, or another professional as decided by the company's board/management. He may be an employee of the company or a professional third party, who independently and objectively evaluates the organization’s operations. An internal audit is an independent assessment of a company's internal controls, risk management, and governance. The role of an internal auditor involves reviewing financial processes, identifying weaknesses, and suggesting improvements. An internal auditor essentially serves as the eyes and ears of the company’s senior leadership and board of directors.
Which of the following is a synonym of "Undistributed Profits"?
In the case of cost-push inflation, other things being equal:
Percentage of values that lie within a band around the mean in a normal distribution with a width of two standard deviations is approximately
Identify the order of chronological development of the theory of demand.
a. Marshall’s theory of demand
Which international body revised India's GDP growth forecast for the fiscal year 2024/25 to 6.8% recently (April 2024)?
IS curve shows that when income decreases
A consumer demand curve can be obtained from
Which among the following are the recommendations of the Urjit Patel Committee report on monetary policy?
I. Curtailment of the fiscal deficit.
Which of the below probability distribution has same mean and variance?
If the money supply grows 5 per cent, and real output grows 2 per cent, prices should rise by