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Activity-based costing (ABC) is a system that focuses on activities as the fundamental cost objects. It involves identifying and analyzing activities within an organization and assigning costs to those activities. The cost of these activities is then used for compiling the costs of products and other cost objects. ABC recognizes that products or services consume different activities, and the costs associated with those activities should be allocated accordingly. By allocating costs based on the activities that drive them, ABC provides a more accurate and detailed understanding of product costs compared to traditional costing methods. Marginal costing, process costing, and job costing are different costing methods, but they do not specifically focus on activities as the fundamental cost objects.
The body of priests not only said any communal (A) tension would have an adverse (B) impact on the economy of the temple town but also sought (C) ...
Choose the correctly spelt word.
In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correct word.
It's the only places in the city where one can see majestic birds like pelicans and painted storks in large numbers.
...Select the Incorrectly spelt word.
Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.
Choose the word with correct spelling.
In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correct word.
In each of the questions below, a sentence is given with four words highlighted in bold in the sentence. Among these bold words, one may be wrongly spe...