
    What does the management principle, "Principle of Order" developed by Henry Fayol signify?

    A place for everything and everything in its place Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B A subordinate should receive orders from one superior only Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C One head, One plan Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Reporting must be done in a hierarchy manner unless there is an emergency Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Henri Fayol, a French management theorist, propounded the 14 principles of management and published in his book ‘Administration industrielle et generale’. One of the 14 principles is “principle of order” which meant that people and materials and other resources must be in suitable places at appropriate time so as to maximise efficiency by ensuring the proper use of resources in a structured fashion. Misplacement of any of these resources will lead to misuse and disorder in the organization.  The other principles given by Henri Fayol included Division of Work, Balancing Authority and Responsibility, Discipline, Unity of Command, Unity of Direction, Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest, Remuneration, Centralization, Scalar Chain, Equity, Stability of Tenure of Personnel, Initiative, Esprit De Corps.

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